Sami Horn

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Phishing Feedback: Just-in-time Feedback to Promote Online Security

Bender, S., *Horn, S., Loewenstein, G., & Roberts, O.

Behavioural Public Policy (forthcoming)

Five-Year Impacts of Group-Based Financial Education and Savings Promotion for Ugandan Youth

*Horn, S., Jamison, J., Karlan, D., & Zinman, J.

Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming)

Curiosity is More than Novelty Seeking

Litovsky, Y., Horn, S., & Olivola, C.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2024)

Using Curiosity to Counter Health Information Avoidance

Horn, S., Litovsky, Y., & Loewenstein, G.

Social Science & Medicine (2024)

Loss aversion, the endowment effect, and gain-loss framing shape preferences for noninstrumental information

Litovsky, Y., Loewenstein, G., Horn, S., & Olivola, C.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)

A 680,000-person megastudy of nudges to encourage vaccination in pharmacies

Milkman, K., et al. [incl. Horn, S.]

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)

Doctor Recommendations and Parents’ HPV Vaccination Intentions in Kenya: A Randomized Survey

Horn, S., Chapman, G., & Chouhan, K.

Preventive Medicine Reports (2021)

Megastudies Improve the Impact of Applied Behavioral Science

Milkman, K., et al. [incl. Horn, S.]

Nature (2021)

Evaluation of a Combined Financial Incentives and Deposit Contract Intervention for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Anderson, D., *Horn, S., Karlan, D., Kowalski, A., Sindelar, J., & Zinman, J.

Journal of Smoking Cessation (2021)

Socioeconomic Disparities in Electronic Cigarette Use and Transitions from Smoking

Friedman, A. and *Horn, S.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2019)

* published with alphabetical ordering of authors

joint first authors

Conference Proceedings

Government Trust and Covid-19 Vaccination: The Role of Supply Disruptions and Political Allegiances in Sierra Leone

Aizenman, A., Conteh, F., Glennerster, R., *Horn, S., Kangbai, D., Karing, A., & Shaukat, S.

American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings (2023)

A Comparison of Methods for Adaptive Experimentation

*Horn, S. & Sloman, S.

ICML 2022: ReALML Workshop (2022)

Book Chapters

Intuitive Donating: Testing One-Line Solicitations for $1 Donations in a Large Online Experiment

*Horn, S. & Karlan. D.

The Economics of Philanthropy (2018). Edited by Kimberley Scharf and Mirco Tonin. MIT Press.

Working Papers

Underestimating Learning by Doing

Horn, S. and Loewenstein, G.

SSRN Working Paper 3941441. Under Review.

Taking it Easy: Choosing Practice of Suboptimal Difficulty

Horn, S., Duckworth, A., Liu, V. and Loewenstein, G.

SSRN Working Paper 4358786. Under Review.

Selected Research in Progress

Beliefs about Skill Decay

Connolly, D., Horn, S., & Loewenstein, G.

Manuscript in Preparation

Vaccine Mandates in a Low-Resource Setting

Glennerster, R., *Horn, S., Karing, A., & Shaukat, S.

Manuscript in Preparation

Knowledge versus Skills: Evidence from a Field Study on Health Information in Sierra Leone

Conteh, F., Glennerster, G., *Horn, S., Kangbai, D., & Karing, A.

Data Collection Ongoing

When Less is More: Sharing too Much Information

*Horn, S. & Karing, A.

Data Collection Ongoing